The Nourish to Flourish Process
Changing long term habits can seem daunting. Whether it relates to making new food choices, following a weight loss goal or making changes to how you exercise and move your body. It's difficult to know where to start and feel confident in what you are doing will work well over the long term and be sustainable.
​The Nourish to Flourish program, is tailored to the specific needs of the individual and is at a pace that suits you and your lifestyle. The small and gradual changes you make will develop new habits which you can then incorporate long term. You will have a clear vision as to what you are striving towards because it will be broken down into easy to manage steps.
​Small daily actions, which we discuss and agree at each session will develop new skills. We will review your successes or challenges and adjust if required. There will be nothing forced or dictatorial, just feedback and progression.
Nutrition is important but other factors play a key role in your overall health. We will discuss the topics below
as part of the program to ensure you achieve the optimum health benefits.
What is a good diet?
Having a healthy gut microbiome.
The importance of a varied diet.
Why fibre should be your friend.
Simple strategies to initiate change.
Keeping hydrated.
How does food affect our health.
Other Important Factors
Good sleep and why we need it.
Exercise and the benefits it brings.
Prevention of chronic disease.
Stress management.
The influence of social and environmental factors.
Emotional well-being.
Starting Your Life Changing Journey
Schedule a Free Call
A chat to get to know each other and find out what you are currently thinking and feeling and the areas you are looking to change.
​We'll discuss the program you are interested in and how it works to ensure it is a suitable fit for your needs.
Collect Information
A client questionnaire will be emailed for you to complete so relevant data can be collected and we have a record of where you are when you start your journey.
​I will ask you to record the food and drink you consume for a few days before we start. This will enable me to assess where you are and we can discuss the right starting point.
Start Coaching
We will agree a suitable day and time to get started.
​Based on the completion of your questionnaire and food and drink log we will schedule some actions for your first week.
​At each session we will review your progress and make any changes if we feel it is necessary.
​Every day life will always get in the way and there will be no judgement. Anything shared will be used as feedback in order to help you progress.
Nourish Your Body to Flourish in Life
Choose the option that fits your goals
Nourish to Flourish
Full Program
for 8 sessions
Full Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching.
Personalised report.
Master the skills to achieve lasting results in weight loss, nutrition, gut health, physical wellbeing and personal development.
8 sessions.
Includes an initial consultation and 8 sessions.
Access via email or WhatsApp for additional support.
Helps with accountability and progress.
Option to extend if required.